ouch !!

ouch !!

Thursday, 9 April 2015


Even if we say that we don't regret things done  words not said, in the end we regret the chances we didn't take . Past haunts all of us at some points of our lives . We get flashbacks even if we don't want to memorize anything . 

It is said we should not live in our past , we should be in present things move on blah blahh ......................!! Yes , this is true but  how many of us can forget our past completely ,Have you ever think of it ?? Dude , who wants to stick to their past ?? No one i guess but ................ ( yes again this but comes in between )

Sometimes we regret things not done when we have the chance to do it , Life is all about choices - some we regret & some we are proud of . Regret is the worst emotion of human . Sometimes we have a very bad habit of thinking too much , we over-think things which makes things difficult for us . 

Knowing the truth
Seeing the truth but
Still believing the lies ............!! 
Because you trust & think that someday the truth will be told by that person itself . Hurt with the truth but never comfort someone with a lie . 

VERY TRUE ......!!