ouch !!

ouch !!

Saturday 12 July 2014

A Journey worth living......

                  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Have you ever concentrated on your breath except for the moments when you feel breathlessness ? 

Have you ever told yourself like I don't know where i am going but i am on my way ? Have you ever thought of having something with your entire soul without even thinking that why you want it so desperately ?

Have you ever woke up after watching a dream with a scream or a smile on your face & try to remember the detailing of it ? Sometimes dreams are better than reality because in dreams we do things without thinking what others will think . People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real as they are made of viewpoints, of images & of memories .

Have you ever thought of love , its feeling ? Have you ever thought of the pleasure you will have with the person who loves you & the person whom you love after taking vows of marriage in front of fire &  promising each other to stand together in sad as well as happy times.

Have you ever let your mind wander in the third level ? Have you ever invested your heart into an idea that you have only ever dared to play out in the safety of your imagination. An idea that is so desirable and so close to a possibility that you can actually smell it and taste it and yet you are afraid to reach out and grab it for fear of it disappearing forever in front of your eyes?

Have you ever missed you in yourself ? Have you ever wanted to bring your childhood days back when there was no stress & tension ?

Have you ever tasted the pain of being departed from the one you loved the most may be for few days or more ? Have you ever felt the pain of saying  goodbye to someone you love & care about ?

Have you ever wanted to meet someone again for the first time so that you can undo your steps which you think were wrong ?

Have you ever been in that precise moment where your tongue will not release the words you so desperately need to say? Words you have rehearsed in your mind over and over again and yet in that crucial moment you freeze and the precious window of opportunity passes?

Have you ever given advice to others, advice about courage and seeking joy, advice based on wisdom you have gained from past experience and then laughed at the irony that you value the wisdom enough to gift it to others but are not courageous to use it for yourself?

I have.

If you stop doing the things you love and only focus on work, you are left with nothing more than an empty shell that robotically goes through the motions. That's not living.I have faith that if I trust in the universe it will lead me to where I am meant to be and who I was destined to be.So the journey begins with a deep breath.......................!!

"If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.”